Custom envelopes have remained a valuable marketing tool for both non-profits and businesses for several reasons:

Branding Your Business:  Custom envelopes allow organizations to reinforce their branding. By using their logos, colors, and unique designs on envelopes, non-profits and businesses can create a consistent and professional image that recipients recognize and remember.

Personalize Your Business:  Personalized envelopes can include the recipient’s name, address, or other information. This level of personalization increases the chances that the recipient will open the envelope, as it appears more relevant to them.

Legitimize Your Business:  Custom envelopes convey professionalism and legitimacy. They signal to recipients that the content inside is important and worthy of attention.

Become More Visible: Unique and eye-catching designs on custom envelopes can make them stand out in a pile of mail. This increased visibility can improve open rates and the chances of the recipient engaging with the enclosed materials.

Customer Engagement:  Custom envelopes can include a call to action or teaser text that entices recipients to open the envelope and learn more. This can be particularly effective for marketing campaigns.

Direct Mail-Out Campaigns:  Non-profits and businesses often use direct mail campaigns to reach their target audience. Custom envelopes are an integral part of these campaigns as they help differentiate the mailing from junk mail and make it more likely to be opened.

Increase the Cause with Non-Profit Awareness:  Non-profits frequently use custom envelopes for fundraising appeals. These envelopes can include compelling images and messages that tug at the heartstrings of potential donors, encouraging them to contribute.

Additional Security Strategies:  For businesses, custom envelopes can include security features like tamper-evident seals or unique barcodes to protect sensitive or confidential materials during transit.

Customize Your Campaign:  Custom envelopes come in various sizes and styles, allowing organizations to choose the one that best fits their needs. This versatility ensures that they can adapt their marketing strategies to different campaigns.

Affordable Campaign Cost:  Despite the rise of digital marketing, custom envelopes remain a cost-effective way to reach a target audience. The cost of printing and mailing custom envelopes is often lower than other advertising methods, making them an attractive option for non-profits and businesses with tight budgets.

Be Compliant:  Custom envelopes can be designed to comply with postal regulations and standards, ensuring that the mailings are processed smoothly without delays or additional charges.

In summary, custom envelopes continue to thrive as a marketing tool for non-profits and businesses because they offer a unique combination of branding, personalization, professionalism, and cost-effectiveness. When used strategically, they can help organizations engage with their target audience and achieve their marketing and fundraising goals.

If you are seeking custom printed envelopes of pretty much any size, shape, color or purpose look to EconoEnvelope, found online at  

They offer free price quotes, online design and online ordering. Think of all of the ways you can use your very own envelopes. Put your creativity and your ideas into motion and be amazed at the results!

Whether you’re looking to have business cards, booklets or envelopes printed, EconoEnvelope can help you and your business with all your custom printed envelope needs.

For more information and options for the purchase of all kinds of envelopes visit